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Disclaimer: This post has affiliate links. We receive compensation for accounts opened through them! We hope you enjoyed the work we put into this article!
When we wrote our last article, we thought that the then-ongoing deal (1 Free Apple Share) was a REALLY GOOD DEAL. Several of my friends and I signed up for a moomoo account ourselves!! Then they came up with this BLOCKBUSTER PROMO: 1 Free Apple Share and 1 Free NIO Share!
Unfortunately, this DOES NOT apply to folks like me who already opened their accounts prior to 1 June.
But if you’re new to moomoo, I say go for it!
moomoo by FUTU: Solid trading app with competitive fees!
If you’re new to moomoo, it’s a trading app. We really like the platform and have been using it since we opened our FUTU accounts! Here’s our InvestQuest takeaway from when we wrote our last article:
moomoo powered by FUTU left us very impressed, by offering what investors need most – competitive pricing, an intuitive user interface, differentiated data analytic tools, and a very smooth account set up and fund transfer process. The generous sign-up bonus would be icing on the cake.
Check out our last article for a comparison of moomoo versus Tiger Brokers in terms of fees.
List of promo benefits
The current sign-up promo lasts till 2 August 2021 (8PM SG time), and includes:
- 1 free Apple (AAPL) share (worth about SGD 198)
- 1 free Nio (NIO) share (worth about SGD 61)
- Commission-free trading for the first 180 days for US ,HK & SG markets
- Free Level 2 market data for US stocks
- Free SGX securities Level 1 real-time market data
- S$50 cash voucher for transferring shares in
IMPT: That’s nearly S$260 worth of SHARES!!
To be eligible for the free Apple (AAPL) share, new users must deposit initial funds of at least S$2,700 (or US$2,000 or HK$16,000).
To be eligible for the free Nio (NIO) share, new users must deposit initial funds of at least S$2,700 (or US$2,000 or HK$16,000) within 30 days of account set-up AND successfully unlock the Level 1 Trading Badge OR complete 5 successful trades.
Note that a single initial deposit of S$2,700 would fulfill the funding criteria for both the free Apple and Nio shares.

How to Sign Up!
Step 1: Sign up using this link
Step 2: Click “Claim Now” (see image below)
Step 3: Key in your email, desired password and Click “Sign Up” (see image below)

Step 4: Download the moomoo app and log in

Step 5: Register for a FUTU SG Securities Account
You have the option to use MyInfo to fill up most of the required info, and I took about 2 minutes to complete registration.
Step 6: Wait for account approval
You will receive an email to notify you once your account opening application is approved. Mine took only 9 minutes!
Step 7: Complete an initial deposit of SGD 2,700/HKD 16,000/USD 2,000 within 30 days
My SGD fund transfer was immediately received in my FUTU SG Securities account, , when using the “Instant Deposit via DDA” option below. That was a pleasant surprise.

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