1. Is there a comparison chart on the AUM of each robo advisor? I couldn’t find updated info or none at all for some robo advisors.

    • Hi JW, apologies for the laggy reply. The platform had incorrectly categorized your comment as spam.

      As far as I know, I don’t believe that the AUM info is publicly available. If it provides any comfort, I can say that the AUM for Stashaway and Endowus are over the hundreds of millions at the moment.

  2. Amazing stuff! I’m just getting started on bond investing with a timeframe of 3-5 years. So far have been simply putting it into Singapore Savings Bonds just simply because I have been too short on time to actively manage. This might be the wrong place for the question, but I’m wondering how to think about the current economic climate and its relation to macroeconomic climate.

    With all the bad news that we’ve come through so far in 2020, and assuming that the rest of the year and on is going to be much more positive (US elections, Brexit correction, hopefully a vaccine!), this current period would be the lowest interest rate environment we would see for a while.

    If that were the case, wouldn’t this be the worst time to invest into the bond market? (of course not including the fact that platforms like Endowus would recalibrate as the environment changes)

    • Hi Nigel,

      Thank you for your kind comment.

      Personally, both stocks and bonds are on the expensive side to me. So I would be cautious on borrowing too aggressively for now.

      1a) On stocks, I think there’s more opportunities on value stocks vs growth stocks, given a decade of underperformance for the former. For example, I would rather buy a China Construction Bank or a HK Land, victims in a recession but trading at relatively cheap valuations of 0.6x and 0.3x Price-to-Book respectively, than buy a e-commerce company like Shopify that trades at 320x 2022 earnings.

      1b) Separately, the rebound since March has been driven by a small number of stocks. I would have been more comforted if the rally was more broad-based. Another thought is that a lot of stocks that did well recently (tech stocks, delivery stocks like UPS & Fedex, grocers like Walmart & Costco) are those tied to a lockdown scenario. If a vaccine launches successfully, we might see a rotation out of these names to the value stocks that are doing really poorly now (banks, hospitality and energy).

      1c) Stock volatility is still elevated relative to recent years, so if you don’t want to chase the market, you could always SELL put options to receive some option premiums. For example, the S&P 500 is now around 3,400. You could sell 3-mth put options on the S&P 500 ETF with a strike at around 3,000 (12% below current levels), and receive option premiums that work up to around 6% per annum.

      2a) On bonds (between govt bonds, investment-grade bonds and high yield), investment-grade type corporate bonds make the most sense to me (relative to fixed deposits or short-term endowments which currently yield ~1-2% per annum), especially for your investment timeframe of 3-5 years. I happen to be working on a SGD bond article on Singapore REITs, and the below seem most attractive to me at the moment (you will have to pay broker commissions, so the yield will be slightly lower than what I indicated below). The limitation is that SGD-bonds trade in lot sizes of S$250k.
      • Keppel REIT 1.9% 10-Apr-2024 bond (puttable 10-Apr-2022), which has a yield-to-put of 3.6%. KREIT is 45% owned by Keppel Corp, which in turn is 21% owned by Temasek Holdings.
      • ESR REIT 3.95% 9-May-2023 bond, which has a yield-to-maturity of 3.5%.
      • Suntec REIT 1.75% 5-Sep-2021 bond, which has a yield-to-maturity of 3.1%.
      • Mapletree Industrial Trust 3.02% 11-May-2023 bond, which has a yield-to-maturity of 2.3%. Mapletree Industrial Trust is 26% owned by Temasek Holdings.

      2b) I think govt bond yields are pretty risky at the low levels they are at. 10-year SG Government bonds yield 0.91% now. You just need yields to move up by 0.1% (to 1%) to wipe out your entire year’s yield return. Global High Yield bonds currently yield 5.6% above government bond yields on average. I think this is relatively low when banks/rating agencies are projecting High Yield default rates to hit the high single digits this year. Which is why I think Investment-grade bonds remain the sweet spot for now.

      3a) For the events you mentioned, the outcome on markets could go either way. If Biden is elected and he raises corporate taxes to 28% (Trump had previously lowered it from 35% to 21% when he took office), that’s going to be a huge dent on future US corporate earnings (which are not yet factored into bottom-up analyst valuation models but Goldman thinks that this will result in S&P 500 EPS falling from their estimated 170 to 150 in 2021 if it does happen).

      3b) If a vaccine is successfully rolled out, as mentioned previously, we might see a rotation out of the recent winners (tech, grocers, delivery services) into the laggards (banks, energy, hospitality and industrials), so the overall market might still be flattish.

      Long story short, I think there is virtue in taking the time to slowly phase in your portfolio, regardless the environment. Trickling in perhaps 10-15% of intended final portfolio size every two months and you will be fully invested within the 1-1.5 years. If the market is still crap by then, perhaps it’s time to think about taking some modest leverage (I think $20-30 borrowing on a $100 portfolio is alright, especially if you are able to borrow at a low cost).

      Hope this helps!

  3. Interesting article, thanks for the detailed analysis! I’d like to hear your thoughts on an international Corp bond ETF – aside from currency risk, are there any other risks I should be considering too? Was considering investing in VDPA.


    • Hi Sam,

      The ETF you mentioned invests in USD-denominated Investment Grade Corporate Bonds. Currency aside, there are two main risks to bonds in general.

      1) Firstly would be changes in the interest rate environment. This factor tends to have a bigger impact on the safest Government Bonds and Investment Grade Bonds (compared to High Yield Bonds). If you think that interest rates are going to head drastically higher in the next 1-2 years, you would be better off buying bonds that are going to mature soon (i.e. bonds that have low duration, which implies a low sensitivity to general interest rate movements).

      The VDPA ETF that you mentioned has relatively high duration at 8.2 years currently. This means that a 1% increase in interest rates (i.e. having 10-year US Treasury yields rising from 0.7% currently to 1.7%) will lead to about a 8.2% decline in the ETF’s price. Of course, the inverse will be true as well but then you are taking the view that 10-year US Treasury yields are going to 0% or negative.

      The Yield-to-Worse on the ETF is 1.9% at the moment. This means that all things equal, if 10-year US Treasury yields rise by approx 0.23% to ~0.95% by next year, your 1-year total return would be effectively zero (0.23% rate rise * 8.2 years duration = 1.9% ETF price fall).

      2) Secondly would be credit risk. The way to see if a corporate bond is cheap is to see how much extra yield it is giving compared to a risk-free government bond. Right now the average Investment Grade Bond is giving about 1.3% extra yield compared to a risk-free government bond, versus the 15-year historical average of about 1.6%. If you go to the following link “https://theinvestquest.com/macro/asset-watchlist/” and scroll down to the chart titled “US Investment Grade Corporate Bond Credit Spreads”, you will see the movement in credit spreads since 2005 to get an idea of whether you are getting a good deal now.

      You will be getting in at fair to slightly expensive valuations now, historically speaking.

      3) The below factors are risks that pertain to Bond ETFs specifically, and why they may underperform relative to Mutual Funds.

      3a) A bond index’s construction methodology might not be optimal. This is because many bond indices are market value weighted, which means a company with more debt will feature more heavily in the index and the corresponding ETF that tracks it. As a bond investor, all things equal, my preference would be to invest in companies that are less indebted.

      3b) Active mutual funds have the ability to manage risk proactively. If a bond’s credit fundamentals is deteriorating but still held within the bond index, the ETF will likewise have to keep holding onto the bond. An active manager who sees such risk may sell off the bond preemptively.

      3c) Active mutual funds can participate in bond IPOs, which are often underpriced to attract sufficient investor demand. As a bond Index is usually rebalanced only at specific timing intervals, a newly issued bond will not feature on the Index immediately and hence the ETF will likely not be able to participate in underpriced bond IPOs.

      Apologies for the lengthy answer but I wanted to be as thorough as possible. I’m also happy to take any follow up queries.

  4. Is Endowus the only Robo-Advisor that rebates trailer fees? What about Stashaway, Sfye, DBS?

    I noticed most companies only publish the management fees? How much are trailer fees per year?


    • Hi K,

      Trailer fees are applicable for unit trusts, and are paid from the fund house (i.e. Pimco, Blackrock) to the fund distribution platform (i.e. banks, robo-advisors, brokers). It’s a rate that is negotiated between both parties and will not be disclosed. However, it’s not uncommon to see trailers comprising ~50% of the fund’s management fee (for the retail share classes), so it can be quite a significant cost-saving if you can get it back as a rebate.

      For Stashaway and Syfe, outside of their cash management accounts, their core offerings don’t use unit trusts, so the trailers are irrelevant here.

      For DBS, I’m less familiar with their robo-advisor unit trust offering, but I do not believe that they rebate trailer fees. However, if you are referring to buying individual unit trusts from DBS directly, then for sure the trailers are not rebated to you.

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