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Dear readers,
Our Sembcorp Industries Series
If you’ve been following our blog for a while, you’d know we’ve written quite a bit on Sembcorp Industries.
- 15 July 2020: [Update] Sembcorp Industries is still DARN CHEAP
- 8 Sept 2020: [Update] Sembcorp Industries shareholders are going to receive Sembcorp Marine shares – What to Expect + What to Do
We actually updated earlier on FB & WA – sorry about that!
As some of you already know (via our Facebook and Whatsapp update), we’ve closed our position on Sembcorp Industries (SCI) – including the Sembcorp Marine (SMM) shares we’ve received in specie.
We initially thought it was too minor a thing to warrant a full post on The InvestQuest. But after discussion, we realized that some readers who don’t follow us on those platforms might also want to know what we’ve done with our position or might be waiting for our next update on SCI/SMM. Our sincere apologies for not thinking of this earlier!
The Final Update
Here’s the update as posted on Facebook and Whatsapp on 16 Sept 2020.
We have sold out of our position in SCI, as SCI’s fair value of S$1.33 stated in our most recent article (dated 8 September) has been achieved today. We have also sold our SMM shares earlier on 11 September.
We had first written about our bullish view on SCI on 11 June 2020. Since then, SCI’s total return (including the value of SMM shares received) has been +9%, outperforming the STI Index by 12%.
We had personally bought shares in SCI on 11 June and averaged down on 30 June and 21 July.
That will be our final update for now! Thank you for following our investment journey. We are always actively watching out for interesting trade ideas – drop us a note at if something’s caught your eye!
Appendix: Our Trades
Trades done on iOCBC were more strategic in nature, while our Saxo trades were more tactical and short-term.

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